Content Advice - Women & Theatre
Revival is a series of rehearsed readings of past productions from the last 40 years of Women & Theatre, these plays provide a snapshot of attitudes and viewpoints on a range of subject matters over the last 4 decades. The plays contain sensitive content on a range of subject matters.
The plays will be presented as script in hand performances – some performances may have some movement and action (Touch Wood, Christine Goes to the Doctor, Phyllis), other plays will be read by actors who are sitting down and the stage directions will be read as narration (The Bad One). Below are more details about each play.
Thu 8pm - Revive the 1980s – Putting It About
Contains descriptions of mental illness.
Fri 8pm - Revive the 1990s – Touch Wood & Christine Goes to the Doctor double bill
Contains descriptions of abuse and mental illness.
Sat 3pm - Revive the 2000’s – The Bad One
Contains descriptions of threats, abuse, suicide and self-harm.
Sat 8pm - Revive the 2010’s – Phyllis
Contains descriptions of grief, mental illness and suicide ideation.
If you have been affected by the themes raised in this production, please consider reaching out to the suggested organisations below for further support:
Birmingham Heartlands HIV Service