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Birmingham Rep in Centenary Square, Birmingham

Further Information for Applicants

More detailed information for applications to Sky Comedy Rep 2022-23

About the scheme and your script

Who we are and what we want to see

Sky is established as the home of premium British television comedy with recent hits such as Brassic, and Code 404, upcoming shows such as Romantic Getaway and Christmas Carole and is always on the lookout for the next generation of comedic writing talent. Birmingham Rep has an unparalleled pioneering history at the forefront of the UK’s theatre industry and over the last 15 years the company has produced more than 130 new plays whilst nurturing talent through its ground-breaking Rep Foundry theatre makers scheme.

Following the success of the first year of Sky Comedy Rep, Sky and The Rep are once again teaming up to find eight new writers who live and breathe comedy and who can create the next laugh-out-loud hits of the future. We will find the finest, funniest emerging comedy talent from across the UK and we’ll work with you to develop your ideas for the most rewarding test of new comedy; an audience.

The eight writers who are selected for Sky Comedy Rep 2022 will each be paid a set fee of £3,000 plus travel and accommodation costs for their participation and script commission.

We are committed to working with and giving a platform to diverse voices, and strongly encourage applications from under-represented groups. We are committed to equality of opportunity and welcome applications from individuals of all backgrounds.

What’s involved in the scheme

From October 2022 to May 2023, eight writers will participate in a series of workshops to develop a script for performance at The Rep. There will be three workshops between October and February hosted at The Rep. The writers will also have tailored support from a dramaturg to develop their scripts.

These workshops will be an exciting opportunity for the writers to hone their comedic talent and test out their ideas, collaborating with directors, actors, and professionals from Sky Studios and The Rep.

Lastly, writers will also have one-on-one meetings with an experienced comedy mentor. These will happen in person or via video call.

Over the course of the scheme, the writers will develop a script for performance in a Sky Comedy Rep Festival taking place at The Rep. The script will be due in March 2023; rehearsals will happen in April 2023; and the Comedy Festival itself will be staged from 9th – 13th May 2023.

The Script Idea

On this scheme each successful writer will create a short, one-act comic play. This year, we are inviting you to submit a story themed around ‘a proposal in the park’.

You must think up a simple premise of a situation that develops around a proposal in a park. That’s it. Could be anyone, anywhere, anytime. But it has to be funny.

Script parameters

The parameters for your wider script idea will be:

  • It must feature a proposal of some kind.
  • It must be set in a park.
  • The script (when fully written) must be around 15 minutes in length.
  • The cast must feature between 1 – 4 characters.
  • The script must be comedic and designed to be staged for a live audience.

To apply for the scheme, applicants must submit their idea for a park proposal play along with a sample script extract exploring their idea.

The sample will feature dialogue from the play and should capture a scene or moment from the script  that can be understood clearly by the reader. It should feature some (but not necessarily all) of the characters from your play and be one of the funniest moments from your proposed play. For more information on the criteria we use to judge submissions, please read on under the category ‘Judging’.

We are looking for potential, not perfection. This programme will help you develop your writing in a safe, supported environment. The reason we’re asking for a writing sample is so that we can get a sense of the type of writer you are and work to develop your craft as a writer.

Tip: Think creatively. Last year’s scheme revolved around a park bench – however many writers used this as a starting off point, with plays involving bird-watching, pink spaceships and Welsh singing contests. So think outside the box!

This is a scheme to hone and develop writing talent. We welcome submissions from writer-performers; we want you to learn from this process as a writer, so successful applicants will not be able to perform in the script they write.

Application process

How to Apply

To apply, you will need to fill out the Sky Comedy Rep application form available via the portal here. In this application form, we will ask you to tell us about your idea, as well as submitting a script extract to give us a sense of your dialogue, your style of writing, and the characters involved.

If you have any questions, please read our FAQs which answer the most common queries. If your question is still unanswered, you can email

It is free to apply for this scheme.

The eight writers who are selected for Sky Comedy Rep 2022 will each be paid a set fee of £3,000 for their participation and script commission.

The selected writers will also have reasonable travel and accommodation costs for participating in the scheme covered (e.g. standard-class rail fare and hotels). Access provision costs will also be available for selected candidates to ensure participation.


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The application portal is also available in large print.

The application portal has two options for how to apply. You may do so by written application, or by video application. For written applications, there are character limits for each question. For video applications, there are time limits for each question.


Script submissions will be read by representatives of Sky Studios and/or The Rep team.

Final selections will be made by a panel including The Rep Artistic Director, Olivier Award-winning Sean Foley (The Play What I Wrote) and SKY Creative Director of Comedy, BAFTA Award-winning Anil Gupta (Goodness Gracious Me and The Office).

Your submission will be judged on five categories:


Are the characters distinctive and well-drawn? Do they have their own clear objectives beyond serving the plot? Do they draw us into their world?


Is the language compelling and assured? Does it leap off the page? Is the dialogue appropriate to each character, as well as contributing to the overall style?


Is the story captivating? Is it predictable or will it keep us engaged?


Does the play idea/script sample feel distinctive and fresh?


Quite simply – is it funny? Will it make an audience laugh, and who do you think it’s aimed at?

We will get back to everyone, to let you know whether or not you have been successful, by 7th October 2022.


If you have any questions that are not answered by the FAQs, please send them to with QUESTION in the subject line.

If you have any questions about access adjustments that are not answered by the FAQs, please email with ACCESS in the subject line.



Applications open: Midday on Mon 4 Jul 2022

Applications close: Midday on Fri 12 Aug 2022

All applicants contacted about selections: By 7 Oct 2022

We respect the creativity and hard work put into every application, and so we will contact all applicants to let you know if you have been successful or not. PLEASE NOTE: Due to the high volume of submissions we anticipate for the scheme, we will not be able to provide feedback to any writers not selected for the scheme.

Workshop 1: Thu 27 Oct 2022

Workshop 2: Thu 15 & Fri 16 Dec 2022

Workshop 3: Thu 16 & Fri 17 2023 or Thu 23 & Fri 24 Feb 2023

Each workshop will be hosted in-person at the Rep. We require the successful writers to be available for all 3 workshops.

For the final workshop, the cohort will be split in half. Four writers will attend the workshop on 16th and 17th February, and four will attend on 23rd and 24th February. Final workshop dates will be allocated by Friday 28th October 2022.

Mentoring sessions: Arranged at times that suit the mentor and the writer

If you are successful, sessions with your mentor will take place either in person or via video call.

Scripts due: March 2023

Rehearsals: April 2023

Successful writers will be expected to attend some rehearsals at The Rep.

Performances: Thu 9 – Mon 13 May 2023

Sky Comedy Rep festival day at The Rep: Thu 11 May 2023


To enter Sky Comedy Rep 2022 you must not have had a piece of your own original writing aired by any broadcaster in the UK either digitally or terrestrially (excluding radio or podcasts). This relates to sole writing credits for more than 3 minutes of continuous content, and does not include additional material credits or uncredited work in writing teams. You may enter if you have had writing commissioned (by a production company or broadcaster) as long as it has not been aired at the time of the application deadline.

You may enter if you have had a play professionally produced for live audiences (3 or more consecutive performances) in theatres with a capacity of under 150 seats, but no larger.

Writing partnerships of up to two writers are encouraged to apply, but please be aware that any writing entities selected for the scheme will share both a mentor and the fee for participation. Writers will only be allowed to submit one idea. No writers will be allowed to enter as both a writing team and individually.

You must be resident and eligible to work in the UK to apply, and you must be 18 or over. There is no upper age limit. You do not need representation to apply, but you are still eligible if you do have an agent.


Terms and Conditions for Applicants

These terms and conditions (Terms and Conditions) relate to the SKY Comedy Rep writing scheme (Scheme), which Sky Studios Limited (Sky) and the Birmingham Repertory Theatre (The Rep) (together Organiser, We, or Us) are running from October 2022 to May 2023.

  1. By entering the Scheme, you (You or Your) are accepting these Terms and Conditions, and You acknowledge that the Terms & Conditions may be changed, whether verbally, in writing or otherwise, by the Organiser at any time at its sole discretion.
  2. The Organiser reserves the right to refuse any application for the Scheme at its sole discretion and is not required to give any reason for such refusal. No discussion or correspondence regarding any decision will be entered into.
  3. You acknowledge that you are submitting your application and script on a voluntary and non-confidential basis.
  4. All applicants for the Scheme must be over eighteen years old and a resident and permitted to work in the United Kingdom for at least the period 25th October 2022 – 30th May 2023.
  5. Employees of Sky and/or its subsidiaries are not permitted to enter the Scheme. Employees of The Rep and/or its subsidiaries are not permitted to enter the Scheme.
  6. By submitting your application you authorise the Organiser to conduct background checks, including but not limited to Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS), in order to verify any of the information provided by You and You agree to provide information requested by the Organiser which is necessary to enable the Organiser to conduct such checks.
  7. All applications with accompanying documents must be received by midday on Friday 12 August 2022 (Closing Date). Applications received after the Closing Date will not be considered. The Organiser reserves the right to extend the Closing Date as it may deem necessary.
  8. To enter the Scheme you must submit the completed application via the portal on The Rep’s website at [web address].
  9. Only one application per person will be accepted. The first valid submission will be accepted. Any subsequent submissions will be automatically disqualified.
  10. In order to ensure that the Scheme is open to a wide range of candidates, the Organiser may, at their sole discretion, actively approach potential applicants and invite them to apply.
  11. You will receive an email notification to acknowledge receipt of your application. All eligible applications will be assessed by the Organiser and successful applicants will be notified by 7th October 2021.
  12. Due to the anticipated volume of applications, feedback will not be possible for unsuccessful applicants.
  13. The Organiser reserves the right to notify applicants of further terms and conditions relating to the Scheme during the assessment process.
  14. The Organiser the right to disqualify Your application if: (a) Your entry is incomplete and/or illegible; (b) You do not meet the entry criteria; (c) You are not eligible to enter the Scheme; (d) You cannot be contacted; (e) You do not respond within 48 hours of being contacted by the Organiser in relation to Your Competition entry; (f) You are not reasonably available to participate in the Scheme in accordance with the production requirements of the Scheme or; (g) for any other reason at the Organiser’s sole discretion.
  15. The Organiser’s decision on these and all other matters is final and binding in all respects and no correspondence will be entered into.
  16. All information supplied (including personal details) in Your entry or otherwise provided must be truthful, accurate, complete and in no way misleading. We reserve the right to disqualify You if You have supplied untruthful, inaccurate, misleading or incomplete personal details and/or information, have failed to abide by the rules of the Scheme, and/or are in breach of these Terms and Conditions and/or act in some way which We believe will bring Us and/or the Scheme into disrepute and/or impair the integrity of the Scheme generally.
  17. If You cannot be contacted within a reasonable time period (up to 48 hours) from being contacted, or are not able or available to participate in the Scheme in accordance with the Organiser’s requirements for any reason, then the Organiser reserves the right to award a place in the Scheme to another entrant.
  18. You shall retain the copyright in the underlying work You create for the Scheme (Work) and by submitting Your application to the Scheme, You hereby agree, if You are selected for the Scheme, to sign two longform agreements with the Organiser to enable the Organiser to commission You to write a 15-minute-length play based on Your application and to contract You for participation in the Scheme. These longform agreements will be made available to You if You are shortlisted, and You may at any time withdraw Your application if You do not wish to sign these agreements.
  19. By submitting Your application You warrant that:
    1. You own the copyright in the Work;
    2. the Work is wholly original with You as the author;
    3. You own and can grant all rights in the Work and Materials (as defined below) as required under these Terms and Conditions;
    4. The Work and Materials shall not contain any material that constitutes an infringement of copyright of a third party;
    5. no material submitted or performed will be defamatory, obscene , discriminatory, threatening, pornographic, libellous, harassing, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive and does not encourage any criminal activity, or is likely to bring the Organiser into disrepute; and
    6. all elements of Your submission comply with all applicable laws.
  20. Sky may film elements of the Scheme for inclusion in a documentary (Documentary). In relation to the documentary, by submitting your application to the Scheme, you hereby consent, if you are selected for the Scheme, to taking part in the documentary and You and the Work being included in the documentary. You also hereby agree to enter into any further documentation required by Sky to make the fullest use of your participation in the Scheme for the documentary. This will include entering into a separate contributor’s agreement that will provide, among other things, that in consideration of Your participation in the Scheme and the documentary, Sky will own all of the rights in the documentary including Your contribution which will be freely available for worldwide broadcast and all other media purposes without any payment to You.
  21. By submitting an entry to the Scheme, You grant to Sky, if you are selected for the Scheme, in relation to all of the materials submitted by You and created for the Scheme (Materials):
    1. the right to record footage and images of You and the Materials generally and throughout the Scheme to enable Sky to make the documentary (Footage)
    2. all necessary rights and consents for the full period of copyright (and afterwards so far as possible in perpetuity) to exhibit/make available at the Organiser’s sole discretion the Footage and the Materials in any way and in any media and means (now known or hereafter devised) throughout the world;
    3. a non-exclusive, royalty-free licence to use and publish the Footage and/or Materials in electronic format, including on the Organiser’s websites, for purposes connected with the Scheme (but without any the obligation to so do); and
    4. the right to use Your name, photograph and town or city of residence for the sole purpose of identifying You as the author of Your Scheme entry and/or as a shortlisted writer or finalist of the Scheme.
  22. Sky shall be free to assign or license their rights in the Footage and/or Materials without Your prior consent and under no circumstances shall You be entitled to injunct or restrain the transmission or use of the Footage or Materials (or any part of it).
  23. You irrevocably and unconditionally waive any so-called “moral rights” in the Footage and/or the Materials (whether arising under sections 77 to 85 (inclusive) or sections 205(C) to 205(N) (inclusive) of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 or otherwise) as You now have or may acquire and You undertake not to institute, support, maintain or permit any action or lawsuit in any part of the world on the grounds that the Footage and/or the Materials and/or or the Scheme and/or Programme in any way constitute an infringement of Your moral rights or on the grounds that the Footage and/or Materials have been subjected to a derogatory treatment.
  24. By submitting Your application You agree to undertake all reasonable press and publicity as may be required by the Organiser in relation to the Scheme and the Programme, without limitation, audio and filmed interviews.
  25. You will not without the Organiser’s prior written consent disclose, publicise or discuss with any third party and/or otherwise publish or transmit (on any platform, including all forms of social media) any information or photographs relating to the Scheme, Your appearance or participation in or contribution to the Programme, the production team or any participants in the Programme nor any other information which may come to Your attention (including without limitation in relation to the Organiser or otherwise) save where such information is already public knowledge. Breach of confidentiality is a serious matter and the Organiser reserves the right to disqualify You if You disclose any confidential information.
  26. The information you provide will be kept confidential by the Organisers and will only be used for the purposes of administering the Scheme (including to consider Your suitability to take part) and to fulfil any applicable statutory, regulatory or compliance obligations. The Organisers will process and store your personal data, including your contribution, securely and in accordance with data protection and privacy laws.
  27. You understand that the Organiser may already have and may in the future receive or independently develop materials similar to Your script. You agree that the Organiser may use these similar materials and that you will have no recourse against the Organiser either jointly or severally for any such use.
  28. Your personal data will generally be restricted to relevant members of the Scheme, the Programme’s (if any) production team and crew and, where necessary, we may also share information with other Organiser’s staff, with the Organiser’s professional advisors, and from time to time with other programmes that may have an interest in your contribution. Only the names of writers selected for the Scheme will be disclosed to the public.
  29. Sky and The Rep will retain Your details and Your contribution to maintain an accurate record of the award and for the purposes of administering future awards. If you are not shortlisted, we will securely destroy your personal data no later than 18 months after the application closing date and, in any event, when it is no longer required and we will not use it for any other purpose. Any personal data held by Sky and The Rep will be deleted at the end of the scheme. Please feel free to ask questions about what happens to the information provided in the application form or let us know if you would like to withdraw your entry by contacting us at
  30. The Competition and these Terms and Conditions will be governed by English law and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.